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The problem of drug taking Unfortunately, nowadays, we are witnesses of to the a growing number of youth who become fallen in the pitfall of substance abuse all over the world. Therefore, governments by no means should not downplay this increasing harsh condition and conversely try to harness the difficulties raised by this issue in order to preserving preserve the health of society. because it is always better to prevent than to cure by recognizing the main factors at play here and take effective measures. So in the first place, we need to get precisely acquainted withpf radical causes of this catastrophe. Many researches have indicated that there is an overwhelming majority of contributing factors stemmed stemming in from both families and societies, such as family breakdown, poor family and unemployment which drown the youth toward addiction. At in the first, place, authorized authorities should try to promote education to inform people of the extremely dangerous side effectsconsequences of addiction and also take action to limit the availability of addictive drugs by tightening up the lows laws on drug possession. Another important action that needs to be taken into account is finding appropriate and effective ways to encounter help those who struggle with this problem. For one thing, to take action to install rehabilitation programs or medical treatment instead of keeping them in jail!


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