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In today's constantly evolving world, equipping children with the right tools to navigate their lives has become an important issue for most parents. A wide majority of parents tend to believe that they need to send their children on as many foreign trips as possible, in order for them to become independent and self-confident adults. While the advantages to this notion are numerous, there are also disadvantages associated with it, which will be further discussed. School trips have always been an inseparable part of any school curricula around the world and the real-life skills they provide pupils with is entirely clear. Foreign trips being an even more unique experience in any child's life, are definitely better teachers, in that they help children to face the world in all its diversity with less supervision than they are accustomed to. Not being constantly overseen by a chaperon, they learn how to take care of themselves. All that said, the memory of such trips is priceless and will always stick with them. Having named all these positive effects of educational travels abroad for children, there are a number of drawbacks to such amenities. Such trips may teach them a lot but would also take away a significant portion of their family time, leading to a more sparse society, full of strong individuals who do not feel a sense of belonging. Another downside to such travels is that they often take place during teenage years, when the child is most impressionable. Despite the educational purpose of such journeys, it must not be neglected that children go to an entirely new environment and might make choices they might regret in retrospect, such as doing drugs. To sum it up, educational foreign trips for children is are without any doubt a wonderful experience for them but may have negative impacts on their lives as well.

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