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Some people think certain prisoners should be made to do unpaid community work instead of being behind bars. To what extent do you agree or disagree? Nowadays crimes in some countries has have been gone beyond the alarming rates,. Therefore, prisons in almost all over the world has have become full of criminals. I am completely convinced that doing unpaid works punishment in society should be replaced instead of jails punishment for criminals but this is not true for all of them. The reason which makes me believe that doing community works punishment like painting streets or bus stops and cleaning cities without paying money should be issued instead of imprisonments of criminals is that not every body iswere not born a criminals and also there should be a second chance for those who did crime. Plus not only does jail punishment costs government a fortune but also there are lots of side effects both on criminals and society. For instance teenagers who do robberies for having food might learn the worst behavior by going to jail. In my view, correctional facilities should tutor them to be good persons in society by forcing them to do community works. In addition, a person who has murdered someone differs from a person who stool stole foods because their mother family waswere starving and they have no money to buy foods. A person who does some crimes which have side effectsimpact on the community like murdering someone should be punished hard or even get them death penalty. Besides history of criminals and their records should be considered and it is one of the most important factors to decide whether unpaid works in the community is enough or jail punishment should be issued. There is a chance a criminals who does not have a previous crimes records to be corrected in contrast criminals who have a previous crimes crime record is stands no chance to be corrected. The former deserves an easy/soft/lenient punishment while the letter latter should be imprisoned. To be conclude, some with no previous crime records and commit commission of crimes which do are not harmful for society can be corrected. Thus doing unpaid community works are is a better punishment for them.

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