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Shopping is now one of the most popular forms of leisure activity in many countries for young adults. Why is this? Do you think this is a positive or a negative development? It is normal that people purchase their needful/needed articles, like food and clothes. But do we spend more time on shopping than it is required? Is the shopping filling in all of our leisure time? and is it positive? For the recent last question I incline to the opinion that this excessive consumption is the bane for of our life. It seems that all people consider shopping as a hobby not for meeting their requirements. I believe that on in the whole of the world, people are more consumerist than before. Frankfurtian theorists believe that with the decreaseby decreasing of in the social consciousness level, consumerism is reinforcedincreasing in society and vice versa. After the dissolution of the Soviet Union, Capitalism conquereds the entire world. In this situation, free market imbues her its culture industry in the spirit of society. Ipso facto, people spendt their time on shopping more than any things else. Our eagerness to for art, philosophy and literature is dramatically reduced and instead of watching dramatic arts, we keep an eye on commercial offers with the an open-mouth and athe closedmind. In this view, this development is not a natural procedure but it is imposed on society by capitalism. Enthusiasm of purchasing is leading to a homogenized society by a significant decrease in decreasing of social consciousness. In a homogenized society all people have the same ideas and aims which is not gained by self-thought, but induced by a new dictatorship system that should be named the domination system of economy. In conclusion, this state of consumerism is a great peril of our social life whose consequence is slavery for/to mass production. We should radically rethink our consumption patterns and keep well away from popular modes.

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