جهت مشاهده Writing تصحیح شده فایل PDF را دانلود نمایید.

As computers are being used more and more in education, there will be soon no role for teachers in the classroom. Due to modernism and improvement of technology, every aspect of life has changed and education is no exception. From my point of view ,with no doubt, teachers play a vital role in teaching and there is not any chance to replace them with computers whereas computers could pave the way for teachers to train their learners more easily. On the one hand, some people argue that not only are computers and the Internet not harmful for education system, but also they can help both parties, which means students and teachers, to move forward faster. Moreover, digital materials are more accessible to students. Therefore, they can study wherever and whenever they want. Furthermore, the acquisition of new knowledge is more interesting and easier with computers, hence more youngsters being interested in learning. On the other hand, human interactions between lecturers and students in classroom can notcannot be replaceable with computers. Besides, the expertise of teachers is how to change methods of teaching when students are not able to grasp new knowledge unlike computers which have just one method. In addition, although computers have become more complex and intelligent, they are unable to answer the students’ questions, which can make learners close to their professor to find out what they are looking for in real classrooms. To conclude, using computers more and more, though useful, can notcannot be substituted for a human teaching role in classrooms. In other words, I definitely believe that teachers will not be disappeared in the foreseeable future.

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