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In some countries the average weight of people is increasing and their level of health and fitness are decreasing. What do you think are the causes of these problems and what measures could be taken to solve them? One of the most important concerns of today’s societies is obesity which, recently, has been rising in numbers dramatically owing to both physical inactivity and unhealthy diet, thus hence many related illnesses. Therefore, considering some measures, irrespective of whether they can resolve the issue in short-term or long-term, as an undoubtedly effective problem-solving approach should be factored in. Whereas some believe that the major reason of/behind becoming corpulent is genetic, non-genetic factors such as low activity levels should be considered one of its main culprits. The technological improvements like the invention of TV and the rise of the Internet have led the users to be being much too sedentary, hence the obese societies. Furthermore, following an inappropriate and unhealthy diet can cause many medical problems like the increase in body weight, thereby developing many of the health issues associated with obesity. Therefore, controlling this considerably deleterious phenomenon, which will end up as a potentially imminent disaster in society, is a seemingly reasonable decision. As an extremely effective weight-loss program, people should have regular exercise. Humans used to be more active due to walking to work and working the land. They were on the go from morning till night, so today’s individuals should work out to make up for the lack of adequate activities. Another move that can be taken into consideration is having a well-balanced diet. Not only can this act help the public have healthy weight, but also it can protect them from contracting many diseases such as high blood cholesterol. By eating fast food that is full of saturated fat, people are threatened by being obese which is a risk factor for a number of cancers. Consequently, although being overweight is the confluence of many factors, physically being inactive and inappropriate diet habits, which are markedly prevalent behaviours among people, have been cited as the main contributors. Thus, going to any lengths to address this issue seems to be a rationally sensible action.

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