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In a number of countries, some people think it is necessary to spend large sums of money on constructing new railway lines for very fast trains between cities. Others believe the money should be spent on improving existing public transport. Discuss both these views and give your own opinion. These days, many countries have focused on erecting new railway lines in order to facilitate ing commuting not only for their citizens, also for smoothing the way for transferring with the aim of merchandizing (marketing). Some believe that the government should much invest money on in reconstructing the oldfashioned public transport system. From my point of view, with regard of to public transport importance and its role in secure transfer, it is better to renovate ing the outdated one. There is no doubt that railway lines provide easier accessibility to the remotest areas. Developing industriesy requires easy access to the region which is known as a potential of industrialization. What is more, human voracious appetite to achieve oil-rich areas and decipher explore/discover the affluent mines leads to establishing the new way lines. Moreover, the time traveling to reach the destination (home or work) would will be reduced, if the new rail way line is constructed. The main point that should be noticed is on the subject of detrimental aspects of developing railway on the environment. Developing the railway demands smoothing a bumpy (rugged) route, which has adverse impact on animal and plant species. Recent decades, we have witnessed destroying destruction of the a large number of invaluable animals, so as to knock down their territory.Another significant point is that public transport in any country is made with the purpose of chopping down the inhabitants' life cost. Furthermore, public transport plays a great role in cutting down the throng overcrowding (mob) in metropolitan cities. The more public transport availability, the lower congestion. In conclusion, from my prospective the state should rectify the old onetransport system, consequently, not only can we boost the health state of the community, also it has a supreme influence on decreasing the volume of traffic as well.

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