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Globalization has caused different cultures to become similar. Do you think it is a positive or negative trend? The frontiers/borders between cultures are becoming indistinguishable gradually and globalization is the main factor. In this essay first I will explain why this trend has its own benefits and then I point to some of the drawbacks and finally I will share my own view. To beign with, globalization is now occurring around the world due to its advanteges for individuals. Globalization features such as using the internet and golbal global network for the majority of countries means economic growth. For instance, nowadays there are a number of multinational companies who appreciate being able to hire experts around the world with the resaonable salary rates. Moreover, globalization also have has its own benefits in the education area by providing information availability and assist in order to interconnect the global village. Given that, these days interaction between different cultures can be seen in almost every spots of the planet. This trend has a bright aspect, when we consider the fact that, our descendants with different cultures are now having the same beliefs and values which can lead to a promising future with a lower risk of conflicts between nations. On the other hand, when it comes to globalization and culture cultural diversity, the darks sides of globalization are the main areas of contention. There is a strange undercurrent when we look at the whole trend with a distance. To make it clear, there are individuals around the world with different cultures who prefer to adapt themselves with to the western ideal of individualism, they are hoping to use its privileges. In consequence, while a massive number of cultures are fading away, the number of people who tend to change their lifestyle is deramatically increasing. The aforementioned phenomenon is caused by consumer culture and exploitation of workers and markets which have a negative influence on social values. I firmly believe globalization would help us to thrive save humanity over the next centuries. Meanwhile, all cultures are responsible to preserve their ancestors’ hesritages. In conclusion, we have responsibility to preserve our culture. From my point of view, although globalization has a negative impact on culturale diversity, its advantages outweight the disadvantages.

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