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Some modern agriculture methods damage the environment. People think providing more food for the growing world population is more important than protecting the environment. Do you agree with this view? Over the past century, because of advancement of technology, humans̕ welfare has been improved. The unfettered increase Increasing in population and urbanization are two factors, which endorse the importance of food expansion by utilizing modern agriculture methods. However, there is not any public consensus in this context. Although some people believe that providing food for the growing world population is more important, others continue to assert that protecting the environment is much more critical. I believe that preserving the environment is more vital and ignoring it can have dire consequences. In the following paragraphs, I will explain my reasons. As the first reason, modern agriculture uses state-of-the-art methods to produce higher amounts of foods. Although in the short run, it seems that these methods boost the food production, in the long run, it can have irreparable effects on the ecosystem and result in changing it. It is a controversial subject that in some areas some animal species migrate to a new place to find food and survive and some animals have been found dead in forests because of lack of food. In fact, due to human’s manipulation, the ecosystem chain has been disrupted, so an incorrect intervention in a particular plant species can have effect on all wildlife and wild flora. As a result, in a long time because of death of animal species and changing of plants, the environmental resources will be reduced. Furthermore, in my opinion, some modern agriculture methods lead to irreversible changes like increasing the greenhouse gases and global warming, loss of water resources and so on. Increasing the increase in the number of factories and industrialization of countries causes air pollution that over time raises the number of diseases like cancers. Furthermore, utilizing chemical fertilizers can lead to water pollution. As a result, these methods not only do not have benefits for humans, but rather can result in a variety of sicknesses. On the other hand, some techniques in modern agriculture like new methods of irrigation can increase the food production and do not have any disadvantage for the environment. In summary, despite the dramatic increase of population and urgent need for food resources and widespread hunger and malnutrition, it is better to take a long-term perspective instead of trying to solve and overcome the problems only for a short time. The Ecosystem, plants and animal species are heritages, which have been given to us and it is our duty to give it them to next generation.

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