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It is sometimes said that people should be encouraged to get married before they turn 30, as this is best both for the individual and for society. Do you agree or disagree? In this day and age, many a person postpones joining a matrimony until they turn thirtiesthirty. Yet, there has been much discussion revolving around whether they should be incentivized to get married at earlier ages or not. While there are numerous benefits of this encouragement for prospective couples and the whole society, I would argue that the demerits of this trend far outweigh the merits. On the one hand, it is claimed that the older individuals get, the more reluctant they will be to get married. To start with, they turn into more conservative people who try to evaluate all the cons and pros of their decision in order to lessen the possibilities of making a mistake. However, the nature of marriage is rather unpredictable since many factors which are beyond our control plays an active role in it. For example, many a marriage fails after couples face unforeseeable adversities of life and traumas which occasion them mental disorders such as depression, ruining their life. Moreover, people are more flexible and tolerant in their younger ages. That is to say, they can alter their behavior and attitude more easily, thereby reaching a consensus/an agreement with their soul mates and experiencing a peaceful life. On the other hand, some psychologists reckon that youths’ personalities are subject to undergoing many changes before they reach the age of 30. Not only could these transitions affects their attitude and perception of life, but also it they could negatively affect their needs and desires which could separate couples. Thus, the negative impressions of a broken family lingers in society since it they influence the life of couples and their charges. In addition, getting married at a young age, individuals may encounter financial problems since they, by and large, are fresh graduates who have entered the workforce. In conclusion, while there are many plus points for getting married before the certain age of 30, I opine that those who procrastinate it are more likely to have a successful married life.

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