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"When people succeed in life, it is because of hard work. Being lucky has nothing to do with success in life." Do you agree or disagree with the quotation above? Use specific reasons and examples to explain your position. There are as many different interpretations about the question of how we could succeed in our lives as there are humans on earthmuch as human population, but since success, as many other contentsconcepts, consists of various aspects, it seems to be unreasonable attributing one cause to this complicated effect logically. Therefore, I disagree the claim in the first step due to its rational gap but it does not end here regarding this controversial dispute. At the beginning, almost all of us as humans are somehow engaged with the ways to prosperity in the situation we were born into. Our family and consequently the primary socio-economic status of us in the first step can be brought up which is a common knowledge that we do not chose our families. This is the main reason which contributes to the rich families to be sustaining over the time: handing out the capital to the next generation. Even the neighborhood we lived in could lead us to be a smuggler who ends up in jail. One step further leads us to some more basic characteristics which are more assigned and impractical rather than achievable. Considering the health as one of them, although achievement needs hardworkinghard work, some prerequisite situation is needed for achievement too. For example, however hard I work hard day and night, I cannot become a pilot due to my eye weakness. Therefore, if I assume the success to be happy and on the other hand happiness means to me to be a pilot, how can I succeed then? After all, this it is hard to accept the fact that we are extending this injustice. Many admired conditions and prizes society has described, like scientific funds or job promotions, are given to people based on their previous gains which are mutually inclusive with luckiness. For another example as an unconscious reaction, we tend to like pretty people more than their ordinary –looking counterparts in any position, studies show, and it gives raise rise to other subsequences like the employee selection or choosing of spouse. There are more grounds in this debate to be uncovered to understand more the unwilling key role of chance in success. To make a long story short, we should be aware of this fact to become be able to deescalate the unfair role of it in our civilized way of living and put the value of hardworking hard work in its authentic spot.

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