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Some people believe animals that are unable to adapt to the changing environment should be allowed to go extinct. What do you think? Many animals on the earth go extinct in the different areas. Maybe a few small number of them can adapt to Environmental changes. this change including weather change, and pollution, Compete with natural enemies and humans' exploitation .For this reason, most of the people believe that if animals cannot adapt with to the conditions, we had better this better we should be allowed them to go extinct. And there are reasons to show that this theory can be true. For some of the critically endangered speciessome of the animal species, the scientists try to find the a way tofor avoiding of animal extinction. They try to revive extinct species by using possible methods, for example, fertilizinge sex cells and cloning. Maybe this opinion first is interesting at first, but it has a disadvantages too that we must know. For one, according to studies, scientists just can revive animal specious species that died out less than Thirty thousand years age. Nevertheless, Due to before this period the extinct animals' DNA wasis damaged and this can create creatures that are unnatural or vulnerable and they can be a threat for the life cycle of other animals and have disastrous consequences. Other causes relate to humans' behavior. After reviving rare species of animals, some people will try to hunt or exploit them for their drive for profit. And it can cause chaos in the wildlife. And there is a final, ethical consideration.as we know, one of the reasons for the extinction of animals is global warming that still there is no solution for that. Therefore, when the extinct animals are revived, we must protect them into in the zoo. So it seems that revivinge extinct species is very wrong and it stems from humans' sense of guilt. If in the future we want to revive animals, we must provide the suitableconditions. Now, we had better this is better that we protect against the threatened species.specious..

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