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These days many advertisements are aimed at children. What effect do you think they have? Should advertising to children be more controlled and regulated? The power of advertising cannot be denied by anyone. Advertisements can affect people's decision making. It goes without saying that children are easily influenced by the advertisements, and now the question is if it is ethical to make the advertisements aimed at children? Should such advertisements be banned or at least monitored by a group of utterly neutral professionals? In modern societies it is a controversial topic to decide whether in favor of imposing a limitation on advertisement aimed targeting at children or not. Some believe that it is a direct violation of to personal freedom while some others argue that unsupervised ads aiming at children and young adults is are a kind of child abuse. People whose vote goes for freedom of advertisement for all claim that we must teach our children about the basics of freedom from a very young age, and free advertisement is an extremely powerful tool to show them the true meaning of decision making. In other words, they believe children can learn that they have to decide based on true facts, and accept the results of their own decisions. However, it seems like an expensive way to teach them, but this groups strongly defends their viewpoints and reason that not only do children benefit from this freedom but it also leads to a more prosperous societyies. Banning advertisement for children will definitely result in laying off some people involved in this field. It is amazing to know that there are is another group of people who follow the opposite point of view saying that children are not mature enough to read between the lines of attractively commercial advertisements. They hold the idea that the damages (which) children might be a victim of are irreversible. That the most important target of the marketing activities that children are aimed at by included are financial benefits of the vendors is undeniable. Uneducated and naive, some parents may follow the colorful ads and harm their own children. These are the ones who are demanding officials to legitimate regulate some rules for marketing of companies especially those who produce specific products for children and young adults. To make a long story short, I think while regulation on advertisement has many benefits to consumers, as a defender of freedom I am extraordinarily against any kind of regulation in the media. I think any kind of monitoring can lead to censorship and reduce the achieved freedom in mass media. From my point of view it is on parents to improve their knowledge and help their children to choose their needs, and opening legitimacy to media results in a disaster. In the hope of a day when mankind can share the world in peace without the tensions, and people can live without such concerns.

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