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Task: In many countries eighteen is considered the right age to start driving a car. However, some people say that the legal driving age should be twenty five. Discuss both views and give your own opinion. One of the most heated debates among experts is the precise age to commence driving. While many individuals assert that eighteen is the best choice, others claim it would be totally wrong if young people started it before twenty five. My personal notion in this regard is similar to that of the former group. Advocates, on the one hand, assert that we should consider an age to start driving when not only are do children become mature, but also they are still under parental supervision, so from their point of view, eighteen is the wise choice, for from both a psychological and physical perspective, this is the age when they are fully grown. In addition, the majority of children in the aforementioned age are still living with their parents. Thus, they parents have a significant influence on their offspring’s driving manner and character as well. On the contrary, others claim that most individuals at in eighteen are adventurous which may lead to failing to pay enough attention to driving rules and regulations, so they drive careless (carelessly) regardless of the tragic outcomes of their conducts. Moreover, the majority of breadwinners cannot afford the expenses of buying and maintaining a car for their children. Thus, the best time to start driving, from their point of view, is twenty five when not only will most people find a decent job in order to pay for support expenditures, but also are mentally mature to prevent avoid dangerous behaviors. In conclusion, although commencinge driving at in eighteen causes some issues, I strongly believe that it is the best choice since young people offspring are under parents' strict supervision besides the fact that they are fully matured. However, it is would be a must to raise awareness among young individuals regarding negative impacts of being an incautious driver.

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