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In many countries schools have severe problems with student behaviour. What do you think are the causes of this? What solutions can you suggest? Nowadays, schools are facing problems with aggressive student behavior. unfortunately, these problems have negative effects on the education process at in school. Therefore, it is important to find solutions to tackle the issue There are some reasons as to why students behave inappropriately. the first reason is, lack of parental guidance because parents might spend more time at work than at home, so the children don't know how they are supposed to behave . The other reasone could be caused by the internet, tv programs and video games. For example, they might watch tv shows that use a lot of violence. The last reason that influences students' behaviour is a competitive school environment. So they have/face/experience/undergo got a lot of stress especially in monthly examinations that lead to acts of violence. In order to counter such problems, there are simple measures to resolve this an issue. Parents must devote enough time for their children the student and realize their strengths and weaknesses.they must never compare one student with another. Teachers can be able to underrestand students' points of views and connect with them .this is because students are more likely to listen to their teacher if they feel that they can relate to them the teacher. But it takes it's take a time and need patience patient and guidancee for students to be well-behaved. The last but most important factor is that schools should have enough space area for students to do physical activities like running ,ping pong and the other sports . This is not only helps to become more energetic lead a lot of energy but also exhibit better manners. Students especially in elementary school should also be encouraged to do/engage in activities such as gardening and caring for domestic animals .these can help to provide opportunities for them to learn to being be responsible and appreciate nature. In conclusion, families and the education system can play a key role in students' life. They should find out students' view and guideing them patiently so the students can gradually change their behavior behave in a more appropriatemanner.

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