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Nowadays we are producing more and more rubbish. Why do you think this is happening? What can government and people do to help reduce the amount of rubbish produced? Generating garbage is growing day to day, so this staggering growth will be aggravated in near future both in developed and developing countries. There are many variable causes that lead to producinge large amounts of rubbish. The first reason is related to the consumerism culture, which makes people buy more and more. For example these days if something is demolished, you can barely see someone get it to fixed, but most people the most of the people buy a new one. Likewise, the trendinessy is another problem, when a manufacture produces a new product/commodity/goods staff or a famous brand advertises a new arrival, in fact it entices the people to buy them, although they don't need them. Purchasing excessively not only is throwing the money and exchange away but also yields a volume of trash which entails many negative consequences. Apart from that, the lack of recycling practices in the society is the main reason. Increasing the recycle reduces the waste of throwing the raw row materials away,. Furthermore, it will prevent wasting to waste environmental resources. One proper way to tackle this problem is making the people alert and conscious about this worrying issue, one way that the government can help alleviate this burden on the environment is educating the general public. Some relevant governmental organizations like the municipality that can inform the public of this arising matter via advertisement or making some documentaries or video clips. Also, people can undertake some responsibilityies as a responsible citizen toward keeping national or universal resources. For instance, they can decrease the household waste by using several rubbish bins to separate waste,. In addition, they can be more careful when they shop staff; consumers should avoid buying over‐packaged products. In conclusion, we, both people and the government, as a human being should be more care and cautious and also responsible for the irrecoverable consequences of waste that could have has a huge impact on our environment as a place where we live inon. Arefe

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