S 06 Video Press M 95.07.26 Farid Zakaria



TheVideo Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G2XZzUrhBHA

1. Unabashedly = without being shy 2. Astute = clever, sharp, smart 3. Political observer = تحلیل گر سیاسی 4. Columnist = ستون نویس 5. What is the explanation as to why … 6. Yield to temptation = surrender 7. Fanatical = dogmatic 8. Pleasure to have you on = thank you for coming to our show 9. Call the roll = see who is present or absent 10. Call names = insult people 11. Proverbial lifting up of the rock = when you lift the rock you see a lot of dirt or insects, or bad people in this case 12. The basket of deplorables = a phrase used by Hillary to describe trump supporters as fools 13. Live in fact-free bubble = in an unreal world 14. Spew your nonsense = talk nonsense 15. Reality versus alternative reality 16. No longer do I like you, no longer do I like you 17. It's a deal-breaker = an unacceptable behavior which goes off the limit 18. To Lie through your teeth = lie big time 19. Stand sb up = not see them for an appointment, not show up 20. The Saboor story = B.U.S.S. 21. It is gauche = wrong, evil 22. Doctors without border = Médecins Sans Frontières 23. Sustainable = توسعھ پایدار 24. Sit as close to the pit as possible to use less water = in a toilet 25. Distinction between fame, notoriety and celebrity = difference

Good luck

The link https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G2XZzUrhBHA

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