S 05 Video Press M 95.07.19 Debate2



The Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ooShpws3Dik

1. Win the coin toss = your turn 2. It could have been rated MA(mature audiences) 3. Concerns = sth which makes worried 4. Mourning = being sad 5. Chest beating 6. Back beating 7. …. are being said 8. One another 9. Lift each other up = help to grow 10. Celebrate our diversity 11. Contain your anger 12. On behalf of = از طرف 13. In behalf of 14. In turn = بھ نوبھ خود 15. Power of attorney 16. Reach out to sb = ask them for help 17. Campaign slogan 18. Income disparity/inequality 19. The divisiveness that is setting us against each other 20. Insurmountable غیرقابل تفوق 21. Pit sb against sb = افراد را روبروی ھم گذاشتن 22. Those at the top = rich and powerful people 23. Every nook and cranny = ھر سوراخ سنبھ 24. In compensation 25. Quid pro quo ما بھ ازاء

Good luck

The link https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ooShpws3Dik

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