S 03 Video Press M 95.07.05 Everyone loves Raymond



The https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PhquT35KvUc&list=PLS2emyQ5EQ36Ns3GwMAmwXQ-3UojUDJOF

1. The way to a man's heart is through his stomach 2. Life expectancy = زیست چشمداشت 3. Advise sb against sth = ask people not to do sth 4. Jump the gun = act prematurely, rush to decisions 5. How can you tell? = find out 6. Pop by = visit informally 7. Insinuate = indirectly saying sth 8. Sarcasm = speaking with a scathing tongue 9. Irony = saying the opposite of what you intend to say 10. Agony = pain 11. Conflict of interests = a situation when people have different iterests 12. Rip off a band-aid = باز کردن چسب زخم 13. Artsy-fartsy = sb into art 14. Helping around the house = help your parents or wife with the chores 15. Have some dirt on sb = know secret sensitive information 16. Cheeky = rude

Good luck

The link https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PhquT35KvUc&list=PLS2emyQ5EQ36Ns3GwMAmwXQ-3UojUDJOF

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