S 03 Video Press M 95.09.01 Trevor Noah



The Video's Link:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hk-ISjeXSZw

1. Foul smell = bad smell like that of a fish 2. Oyster = صدف 3. Host a show = run a tv program and invite guests 4. My job keeps stretching me = it keeps getting harder and more challenging 5. Cockamamie = ridiculous 6. Post-election detoxing = still upset about the election results 7. Do an impression of sb = copy, imitate 8. To alienate sb = drive people away from you 9. Impersonate sb = copy sb 10. Don't be a snob = sb who looks down on others 11. Some jokes penetrate your defense system = very effective 12. 20 odd years = almost 13. Tell an insane story = strange 14. Nibbling= niece or nephew

Good luck

The link https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hk-ISjeXSZw

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