94.02.25 workshop FRI session 6 computer data collection 1. Data collection 2. A fact of modern life 3. Some see it as a useful tool. 4. It endangers/jeopardizes the rights of individuals. 5. It violates the right to privacy. 6. Data is collected and stored. 7. It is open to misuse. 8. Information can be sold to unauthorized persons. 9. Such as insurance companies and credit agencies 10. A further problem is accuracy. 11. Out of date information 12. Affects a person's rights 13. Databases provide a useful tool 14. Computerized data help hospitals 15. in their fight against disease. 16. Retrieval of information 17. Instantly sent 18. Unauthorized access is a serious concern 19. The benefits far outweigh the risks involved. 20. Minimize the risks. 21. Sturdy/durable 22. She was economical with the truth. In other words she lied to me. 23. Resort to catharsis 24. Good luck

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