94.02.18 workshop FRI session 5 Job Satisfaction 1. We spend a large proportion of our life at work, so job satisfaction is quite important 2. How do you feel about your job? 3. It is vital to a person's wellbeing. 4. Get /have/enjoy/experience/ job satisfaction 5. In a number of ways 6. I feel that I'm doing valued and valuable work 7. Employers should give positive feedback to their employees/personnel/staff. 8. In this respect 9. Encouraging a sense of fulfillment 10. The task/job is worth doing. 11. The job is contributing to society. 12. I'm improving/developing my skills . 13. A sense of progression and purpose 14. A sense of belonging 15. Rewarding conscientious staff 16. Satisfaction is increased by a sense of responsibility. 17. Responsibility for and loyalty to a team 18. Not everyone enjoys their work. 19. Hard economic realities 20. People sometimes have little choice. 21.the job doesn't suit their skills or personality. 22. Neither....... nor......... 23. Repetitive and boring jobs 24. Poor labor relations 25. They all might lead to resentment and insecurity. 26. we can promote more job satisfaction in any job 27. if these factors are implemented Produce garbage/Rubbish/waste/refuse/trash/litter throw sth in the garbage Household, kitchen, industrial, hospital garbage There is strewn around everywhere. Reduce garbage production Produce waste Disposable income Packaged food Canned food Throwaway society commodity Raise people's awareness appeal to people's conscience conscientious arouse, awaken, rouse, stir Education of the general public Putting taxes on packaging Put in place stricter rules Governments should provide recycling services Fining households that fail to cooperate With the political will We do not want to see our planet poisoned Good luck

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