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Euthanasia or mercy killing has been in the news more and more recently. Many people are strongly against such a practice, but there is a growing demand to have it legalized. How far do you agree with euthanasia being made legal? Many people around the word suffer from terminal illnesses and their life is so miserable that they would rather end their life but for some reasons cannot do this for themselves., for example imagine a person who is completely paralysed and cannot do anything about his/her life. Some people believe that these people have to carry on and continue living,. they think God gave us life and only he himself has have the right to take it so takinge another person's another's life for any reason is an unforgivable sin. Another group thinks that death is the end so final. if they regret their decision, there will be no return and these ill people must continue living so maybe their decision is going to change or scientists might find a cure for their illness in the future. A Third group believes that their lives are their own, so every person can decide for themselves,. life is full of choices and ending your life is one of them. Therefore, they can choose to continue to suffer suffering or end their journey. I personally believe that in situations like this the decision is quite so personal, hence/so if we define a specific pattern we are seriously doing something wrong., in my opinion, we should trust people and stop making decisions for others or even judging them,. if someone wants help to end his/her life we should provide help because it's their decision/call, not ours, or if someone wants to wait for God to finish the job, it's also up to them/their call.

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