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Being a celebrity-such as a famous film star or sports personality- brings problems as well as benefits. Do you think that being celebrity bring more benefits or more problems? In the today's world, the question of whether the advantages of being a superstar outweigh its disadvantages or not has emerged as one of the most controversial discussions facing humans of the twenty-first century. In my opinion, like any other serious topic, this issue is like a double edgeds knife sword/weapon which has its own pros and cons. In this essay I will explore both sides before giving my own vantage point. On the one hand, being a superstar can guarantee a luxury life. For example, not only could a well-known athlete earn money from his matches, but also he could be an advertiser for different products. Moreover, these stars can use their power to lead their fans in positive activities. Imagine a popular actress who runs a charity for orphans and asks her fans to participate in this honorable activity. But the question is, what are the costs for this wealth or popularity? On the other hand, some people share the concern that the more fame (excellent reputation) these people achieve/gain the less freedom they would have/experience. In other words, when an individual becomes famous, obviously he must pay more and more attention to his behavior toward the others. Each of us may have made many terrible mistakes in our lives, but these people do not have the permission to put a step wrong. Otherwise, there would be a scandal. Another point to consider is that having this much of power could also have its own risks because . Because whoever was a huge fan last night could become a serious enemy just by a little immoral mistakeact from his role model this morning. The president of the United States, for instance, lost most of his fans the day that the scandal of his affairs had been published out. To put it into a nutshell, the main conclusion to be drawn from this essay is that although being a celebrity has its own substantial merits, were I to choose, I would never risk my happiness and privacy, since we live our lives just once..