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Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? It is important to know what is happening around the world, even if it does not affect your personal lives. In a world that where humans’ lives are intertwined with daily incidents, ignoring their surroundings could act as a backfire, abandoning leaving them in a complete state of confusion. Knowing about the world’s trending headlines, irrespective of their importance in one’s personal life, may become beneficial in one way or another. While some believe that one should not focus on news, I believe that it is somehow necessary in life because people can broaden their horizons, run their businesses successfully and it creates an atmosphere for communication. First of all, the world we are living in is dealing with different challenges, which its effects can be seen in all walks of lives. Not only informing people about the world they live in could make them more knowledgeable, it can also boost their thinking process in different ways. The more awareness in the masses, could make people a better critical thinkers, making them more open-minded about various issues. For example, when a person, living in southern countries, follows the United States 2020 election news, it helps him/her become more familiar with parties that are in the government. Some may go even further and follow the debates that run between candidates to have a better understanding with nominee’s nominees’ mindset, offering them a wider perspective. Finally, by knowing about the world’s top stories and thinking about other ideologies, people become more acquainted with the ways they can form an opinion. Moreover, one of the major impacts of globalization was the way that many businesses become more dependent to on global situations, such as inflations fluctuations in stuck stock markets. For instance, when America decided to impose sanctions on some countries, many global companies had to inform take a decision as to whether to continue their businesses in those areas or terminate their contracts. This also gave the chance to minor companies to fill the absence of huge corporations, expanding their operations and providing facilities for the people whose life was adversely affected under these types of global legislations. Therefore, when policy makers of a company are conscious of the news around the world, by making the right decisions, they can boost their firm’s productivity. Finally, the more people are well-informed about the world’s current situation, the better they can engage in fruitful conversations. Many ideas are born through the dialogues that people establish with those who view the world through different lenses. Besides, when people find a mutual interest in a field, friendships could be established as a result of that. In an example, followers of a sport such as soccer, could gather together in meetings and discuss about the latest news that is happening in the soccer world. The World cups which are is held every four years are is the best opportunity to meet new people and enter into interesting talks. As a consequence, not only by being aware of incidents around the world can people can communicate with others, but their general spirit would rise. To sum up, I think it is important that people realize the current happenings in the world. I suggest that individuals follow those news sources who which cover all aspects of an issue, because in this way people can form wiser opinions, companies make substantial profits, and a higher spirit for people would be the outcome.