94.11.09 Workshop FRI Session 40 Media, Press

Telegram Channel : @sabaitc

1. We pride ourselves on our free press 2. With access to the internet 3. The news is broadcast 24 hours a day 4. Increasingly the public are misinformed/ill‐informed 5. Most significant current‐affair stories 6. Compile a list of 7. Alarmingly 8. As many as 25 big news stories 9. Either underreported or omitted altogether 10.The media seeks to entertain rather than inform the public 11.Censor 12.I disagree with anyone or anything interfering with The free flow of information 13.Tabloid journalism 14.On the basis that 15.The widening gap between the rich and the poor 16.You are unlikely to find any reference to this news 17.Instead 18.These news stories are relegated to the back pages

Good luck!