94.03.08 workshop FRI session 8 natural resources are used up 1. One of the major problems today 2. Natural resources 3. Coal, oil and gas 4. They are not renewable(finite) 5. In other words 6. They will run out extremely quickly 7. Extremely important 8. Every effort should be made 9. Cut down on consumption 10. The most obvious way 11. To be more economical 12. People should be forced to drive smaller cars 13. They should be encouraged to use public transport 14. Rather than private transport 15. Taxing cars heavily 16. Improve the quality of public transport 17. Cars are not the only drain on resources 18. The generation of electricity is a major problem 19. It is used wastefully 20. Large neon advertisements 21. Are they really necessary? 22. If we tried, everyone could save some electricity 23. Turning lights off when they are not in use 24. In the long term 25. We need to find alternative sources of power 26. The most commonly made suggestion 27. Nuclear power is reliable/sustainable 28. The consequences of a nuclear accident are enormous/disastrous 29. They would remain with us for generations 30. Solar power, wind power, hydro‐electric power 31. They have all been suggested 32. However, they are not consistent enough/viable/sustainable 33. They are not commercially viable 34. Energy must be conserved/saved Good luck