97.07.27 Speaking Workshop Session 29 Living on Other Planets

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1. - Form a colony / colonize: live on
2. - On other planets
3. - On earth
4. - Feasible to live: possible
5. - Asteroid سیارک
6. - Asteroid collisions = برخورد سیارکها
در جهت عقربه ساعت 7. - Clock-wise
8. - Counter clock-wise: Anti clock-wise خلاف جهت عقربه ساعت
9. - Rotate in a different direction to other planets =
10.- Rotate around the sun
11.- Revolve / revolution
12.- RPM: revelations/rounds per minutes
13.- Sustain life = support life
14.- orbiting the sun = revolve around
15.- in terms of its physical features از نظر ویژگ های فییکی
16.- 1) Mercury عطارد/ تی
زهره / ناهید 17.- 2) Venus
18.- 3) The earth / earth

مری خ/ بهرام 19.- 4) Mars
20.- 5) Jupiter مشیی/برجیس
21.- 6) Saturn زحل/کیوان
22.- 7) Uranus اورانوس
23.- 8) Neptune
24.- Don't politicize it! !سیاسیاش نکن
نمی توانیم بر آن فائق شویم 25.- Insurmountable
26.e.g.: Today's challenges are seemingly insurmountable but with
adequate collaboration we could overcome them.
27.- To live on them
28.- Let's perform ablution and say two segments, shall we?
29.- It's unusual in that ....
30.e.g.: It's unusual in that it rotates in a different direction to the
other planet orbiting the sun
31.- Substantial progress = big
32.- similar in size to earth
33.- unlike earth, it does not have any oceans
34.- extremely hot
35.- thanks to the thick covering of cloud
36.- ... which is why ...
37.- a further problem is the continual thunderstorms
38.- ... which could make life rather unpleasant
39.- the surface of Venus has many craters = hole in the ground
40.- crates = box
41.- as a result of asteroid collisions

42.- next is mercury
43.- unable to sustain life
44.- the voyager space shuttle
45.- Saturn has barely any solid surface as its composition is mostly
46.- it is extremely hot, making life for humans impossible

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