95.03.21 Workshop FRI Session 10 Child's Milestones

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1. In the first years of a child's life 2. Many important milestones are reached 3. By the end of the first year 4. A baby will have acquired some social skills 5. He will test parental responses 6. What do they do if I refuse food 7. In terms of movement 8. Reach a sitting position unassisted 9. Put himself up to stand 10. He may be able to walk momentarily without support 11.As far as communication is concerned 12.He will be able to use certain gestures 13.When it comes to 14.Cognitive development 15. Drink from a cup 16.By the age of two or three 17.The infant has reached the toddler stage 18. In terms of social skills 19.Which may result in the occasional tantrum 20.Express his affection 21. His physical development will have increased significantly 22.Climb onto relatively low obstacles 23.Rather unsteady on his feet 24. When it comes to language and communication 25.In terms of cognitive development 26.Make‐believe games 27. He has also mastered the skill of … 28. As a child reaches what is termed "middle childhood" 29. Reach adolescence 30.Children's development is affected by the outside world 31. The child's world expands 32.Children develop at various rates 33. Seem mature in terms of emotional/social skills 34.As far as physical milestones are concerned 35.Major changes 36.Baby/adult teeth will come out/grow 37. Eyes will reach maturity in both size and function 38. By the end of this period they should have acquired effective reading and writing skills

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